
August 31, 2022
Top mistakes first time buyers make
6 Min to Read
Buying your first home is a very exciting part of life, but there are a number of mistakes that you can make if you jump in too quickly. Fortunately, each of them is easy to avoid.
August 31, 2022
Hidden costs of buying a property
7 Min to Read
Purchasing a property is one of the biggest investments most people make. However, it’s important to understand that there are a number of hidden costs that come with purchasing a property.
August 31, 2022
Buying at auction
5 Min to Read
Buying at auction can be intimidating; however, if you are prepared and have done your research it is certainly possible to buy this way. This short guide will help you to be prepared.
August 31, 2022
What is an owner-occupied property?
2 Min Read
If you are purchasing a home or apartment that you intend to live in, it is considered an owner-occupied property.‍You might also hear this referred to as your principal place of residence or PPOR for short.