Privacy policy

At Domium we take your privacy very seriously because we understand and acknowledge how important it is protecting your information. In this document, we will explain all the details of how we manage your personal information and how we use and share with related parties when you access this website. Our privacy policy is reviewed regularly and updated in accordance with any changes in market or legislation.

Domium Pty Ltd (ABN 36 627 819 247), Credit Licence number 529957 (referred to as “Domium/we/us”) will collect, store, disclose and use personal information and credit information that you provide to us in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. You may obtain a copy of our Privacy Policy by contacting us on by emailing us at

What is personal information?

Personal information is information or an opinion about an identifiable or reasonably identifiable person.  The personal information we will collect, and hold will include your name, date of birth, gender, telephone number, address, email, employment details and any other information we may need to identify you.​

How we collect your personal information?

  • Directly from you when you provide your information in application forms or other agreements, or when you use our website or submit your personal details through any of our online platforms;
  • When you visit our website
  • From third parties such as CRB’s, marketing websites, surveys, related companies
  • From publicly available sources of information
  • From Google, Facebook
  • From our referral partners, who legally refer business to us
  • From people/organisation representing your such as conveyancers, solicitors, builders, real estates

If you choose not to provide personal information and you would like to be removed from our list, please contact us at

What is credit information?

Credit information is personal information that relates to credit that a person has applied for or has been provided.  The credit information that we will collect from you may include your records of credit that you have applied for (including the name of the credit provider, the type of credit and the amount of credit), it can also cover information about you as a guarantor of a loan, default information or any other information that has a bearing on your credit worthiness used to determine your eligibility for credit.  Credit information also includes credit reporting information supplied to us by a credit reporting body and any information that we derive from it.

We will collect, hold, disclose and how we use your personal and credit information to:

  • assess and verify your identity and financial situation;
  • assess your credit application, or your suitability as a guarantor to a credit application;
  • provide such information to a guarantor or related applicant;
  • exchange your information with a credit reporting body (CRBs);
  • disclose your information to credit providers as set out in our ‘Credit Provider Schedule’ to arrange credit; / Australian banks, non-bank lenders
  • Our related entities where we have joint ventures, agents, contractors for operation of their business
  • To police, law enforcement bodies or other relevant authorities
  • Regulatory organisation and government E.g. ASIC, External Dispute Resolution (AFCA)
  • Where we have a suspicion that you have breached our terms & conditions or you are engaged in unlawful activity, we may share your details with internet service provider or network administrators
  • disclose your information to an insurer to arrange insurance you wish to obtain;
  • obtain from, and disclose to, third-parties such as your employer, landlord, real estate agent, lending institution and guarantor who are deemed as reasonably necessary to arrange finance and/or insurance; and
  • refer you to other organisations, service providers or business partners or obtain referrals from them to you.
  • Your personal information is also used by us and our related entities for marketing purpose (to promote our services). It can be done via phone, email, SMS, direct mail within applicable marketing laws. We will keep you informed about our latest products and offers, services we are adding to our business. If you want to discontinue, please email us on  

We may not be able to proceed with credit assistance without the ability to collect, hold, disclose and use your personal and credit information.


We only disclose your personal information to these organisations in relation to us providing services to you and we take all reasonable steps to make sure these organisations are bound by confidentiality and privacy obligations in relation to the protection of your information.

You agree for us to provide your information to the organisations mentioned above for our credit activities.

Identity & financial situation verification

We are required by the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth) to collect and use personal and credit information from you in order to identify you.  We are also required by the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (Cth) to collect credit information and personal information about you and take reasonable steps to verify this, including your financial situation.  This verification may include enquiring via a credit reporting body.

Authority to make requests

You authorise us to make requests for personal and credit information from credit providers and credit reporting bodies.

By signing this Privacy Consent using electronic consent or signature, you consent to the credit providers listed in the schedule to this consent doing any of the following:

  1. where you are the borrower—obtaining information or a report about your commercial activities or commercial credit worthiness for the purpose of assessing your application from any business which provides information about the commercial credit worthiness of persons (this includes a credit reporting body);
  2. where you are the borrower—giving to and obtaining from any credit provider named in your credit application or in a credit report on you issued by a credit reporting agency, information about your credit arrangements for the purposes of:
  3. assessing your application for credit;
  4. notifying a default by you;
  5. allowing another credit provider to ascertain the status of your finance arrangements with us where you are in default with one or more other credit providers; and
  6. generally assessing your credit worthiness;
  7. where you are the borrower—disclosing personal and credit information to a person you have nominated to act as guarantor for the purpose of the guarantor considering whether to offer to act as a guarantor or offer property as security for the credit; and
  8. where you are the guarantor—obtaining a report about your credit worthiness from a credit reporting body for the purpose of assessing whether to accept you as a guarantor.

You acknowledge and agree that the information referred to above can include any information about your personal and/or commercial credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity which the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) allows credit providers to give to or receive from each other.


We will disclose or exchange your personal and credit information to the following persons:

  1. potential credit providers and/or insurers as part of our credit assistance process;
  2. third-parties to verify the details provided are correct, including with your agents, guardians, attorneys and employers;
  3. our related body corporates, assignees, agents, contractors and advisers;
  4. law enforcement, government and regulatory bodies;
  5. any person who refers you to us for credit assistance;
  6. joint applicants and guarantors;
  7. any financial institution to, or from which a payment is made;
  8. debt collection agencies; and
  9. anyone who refers you to us.

Credit reporting bodies (CRB)

We may exchange personal and credit information with a credit reporting body to assess your application for credit/finance and assess your capacity to borrow or to be a guarantor.  

Personal and credit information exchanged is detailed below:

  1. disclosure of details such as name, date of birth and address to obtain a credit report on the applicant or guarantor in our capacity as an access seeker in the credit assistance process;
  2. use any information provided by a credit reporting body to assist us in conducting a preliminary assessment of a proposed credit application and its suitability to the applicant; and
  3. request a credit reporting body to provide us with an assessment of whether information provided by the applicant or guarantor matches that in the credit report to verify the identity of applicant and/or guarantor.

At any time, you can contact CRB advising them to stop using/exchanging your information in this way.

Our current credit reporting body is Equifax you can contact them on phone 13 8332 during opening hours of Mon-Fri 8.30am to 6.00pm Eastern Standard Time, or via their website  You can also obtain their Privacy Policy from their website at

Credit providers

We may submit a credit application to credit providers listed in our ‘Credit Provider Schedule’.  If a credit provider holds pertinent credit eligibility information, the credit provider must share this information with us, yourself or someone you have authorised to act on your behalf.  Credit providers may also engage directly with a credit reporting body and you can ascertain the details on this and how they handle personal and credit information via their websites which are listed in our ‘Credit Provider Schedule’.  If your credit application proceeds with a credit provider you may be asked again for your consent to collect, store and use your personal and credit information by this credit provider.​

Your rights

You have the right to ask:

  1. that we provide you with the personal and credit information we hold about you;
  2. that we correct any personal and credit information we hold about you that is shown to be incorrect;
  3. for copies of our Privacy Policy and this document;
  4. the credit reporting body does not use your personal information for assessment purposes or direct marketing; and
  5. the credit reporting body provides you with a copy of information it holds about you.

To access and/or seek correction of your personal or credit information we hold, or make a complaint about privacy, you can contact us by emailing at or registered post to Suite 13, Level 1, 50-52 Lyons Road, Drummoyne NSW 2047

Transfer of information overseas

To provide good service, we may transfer/disclose your information to our offshore company but we will make sure it is permitted under the Australian Privacy Principles.  We take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information against misuse or loss.

Their role is to assist us in loan processing and submitting credit applications. We will not share your credit or personal information with the credit reporting body, unless they are operating in Australia.

You should note that while they will often be subject to confidentiality or privacy obligations, they may not always follow the requirements of Australian privacy laws. Overseas organisations may be required to disclose information we share with them under a foreign law. In those instances, we will not be responsible for that disclosure.


We would like to contact you from time to time with marketing information about the products and services we provide. You can opt-out of receiving direct marketing communication from us at any time.  

If you do not want to receive marketing information from us, please email us at  or registered post to  13, 50-52 Lyons Road, Drummoyne NSW 2047

IP address, cookies and web beacons

A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit the website or our online web application. It enables the website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login, language, font size and other display preferences) over a period of time, so you don’t have to keep re-entering them whenever you come back to the site or browse from one page to another. Cookies allow us to monitor your use, record your IP address, date time and simplify your use of the website. For example, a temporary cookie is also used to keep track of your “session”. You can change your browser settings to refuse cookies or delete existing cookies from your hard drive.

Web beacons

Web beacons, which are also known as clear GIFs, Web bugs or pixel tags, are often used in combination with cookies. They are images (often transparent) that are part of Web pages. At Monster, Web beacons allow us to count users who have visited certain pages and to generate statistics about how our site is used, for example analyse trends, improve our understanding of traffic on our web applications and web sites. They are not used to access personally identifiable information.

We may share any data with third parties to provide relevant advertising such as Google or Facebook.

Unlike cookies, you cannot decline Web beacons. However, setting your browser to decline cookies or to prompt you for a response will keep Web beacons from tracking your activity.​

Storage and security of personal information

Much of the information we hold about you will be stored electronically and paper form. We use a range of physical and electronic security measures to protect the security of the personal information we hold

Some of the ways we do this are:

  • technology solutions are utilised to protect against unauthorised access or disclosure, such as firewalls and data encryption on our website
  • employees are bound by internal information security policies and are required to keep information secure
  • only giving access to personal information to a person who is verified to be able to receive that information;
  • control of access to our buildings

We take protecting the security of your personal information seriously. We have a response plan that is designed to enable us to contain, assess and respond to suspected data breaches in a timely fashion, and to help mitigate potential harm to affected individuals.

We may store your information in cloud or other types of networked or electronic storage. As electronic or networked storage can be accessed from anywhere via an internet connection, it is not always practicable to know in which country your information may be held. If your information is stored in this way, disclosures may occur in countries other than those listed here or those we referred to from time. In addition to the above, we also regularly review developments in security and encryption technologies. However, it is important to remember that the use of email and the internet may not always be secure, even with these safeguards in place.

​When we no longer require your information, and we are legally permitted to, we take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify the information. However, sometimes it is impossible or impractical to completely isolate the information then completely remove all traces of the information, and we may store the information for future use, such as to help resolve disputes between us or assess future applications by you. The same security safeguards will be in place to protect the information, as detailed in this Policy.

Accurate information

We take all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect, hold, use and disclose is accurate, complete and up-to-date. However, the accuracy of that information depends to a large extent on the information you or others provided to us. We rely on you to inform us if any information we hold about you is inaccurate and we will also take reasonable steps to amend or correct your personal information if you advise us, to make any changes please contact us at

You can request access to your personal information at any time by contacting/emailing us at We will respond to a request for access to your personal information within a reasonable time. We can provide you with general information, such as your name, address and contact details quite easily. However more detailed information may take longer and involves a fee to cover the costs of retrieving and supplying the details you want.

In certain circumstances, we may refuse to access your personal information. If we are going to refuse to give you access to your personal information, we must provide reasons for refusal and details of the relevant provision of the Privacy Act which entitles us to refuse access.

Complaints and further information

Our internal dispute resolution scheme- At Domium we are committed to the effective handling of complaints and timely resolution of disputes.

Receiving complaints and the complaint process - If you have a complaint or a dispute, you can lodge the complaints with Domium by contacting the Complaints Officer by:

Post: Suite 13, 50-52 Lyons Road, Drummoyne NSW 2047

​You can also speak with any representative of our business who will refer you to the Complaints Officer. You should explain the details of your complaint as clearly as you can verbally or in writing. When we receive a complaint, we will attempt to resolve it promptly. We will observe the following principles in handling your complaint:

  • there is no requirement for face-to-face contact between you and us, although it may be useful for us to come to a satisfactory resolution;
  • we expect that both parties will make a genuine attempt to resolve a complaint promptly;
  • we expect that both parties will provide all essential and relevant information, documents, written statements and any other materials that may properly and reasonably be believed to assist in resolving the complaint;
  • we expect that both parties will comply with all reasonable requests from the other party to provide information within a reasonable time frame.

We will confirm that your complaint is received in 7 business days, and we will try to respond to your complaint in 35 business days. We will do everything we can resolve all investigation within reasonable time and all along, we will keep you informed of the progress of the investigation.

External Dispute Resolution (EDR)

If we do not reach agreement on your complaint, you may refer to the ASIC Approved External Dispute Resolution (EDR) Scheme. Our EDR provider is AFCA (Australian Financial Complaints Authority). AFCA is a free service established to provide you with an independent mechanism to resolve specific complaints.


Phone: 1800 931 678



Mail: GPO Box 3 Melbourne VIC 3001

Under the Privacy Act, you may make a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) about the way we handle your personal information. The OAIC can be contacted at either or by calling 1300 363 992





49 079 354 519 

Adelaide Bank 

11 068 049 178 


31 103 157 811 

Aussie Home Loans 

27 105 265 861 

Auswide Bank 

40 087 652 060 

Axsess Today 

50 603 323 182 

Australian and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd (ANZ) 

11 005 357 522 

Bank of China 

29 002 979 955 

Bank of Melbourne 

33 007 457 141 

Bank of Queensland Limited 

32 009 656 740 

Bank of SA 

33 007 457 141 

Bank West 

48 123 123 124 

Better Choice 

79 095 728 868 

Better Mortgage Management 

089 835 192 

Blue Bay home loans 

62 127 824 524 


122 698 328 

Capital Finance Australia Limited 

23 069 663 136 


44 072 486 938 


88 004 325 080 

Commonwealth Bank of Australia 

48 123 123 124 

Connective Home Loans 

143 651 496 

Deposit Assure 

40 168 962 365 

Deposit Power 

49 160 226 442 

E Money 

079 790 364 

Firefighters Mutual Bank 

30 087 650 459 


094 145 963 

Gateway Bank 

47 087 650 093 


Get Capital 

24 149 390 625 

Health Professionals Bank 

30 087 650 459 

Heritage Bank 

32 087 652 024 

Home Start Finance 

82 829 169 885 


92 087 651 974 

ING Direct 

24 000 893 292 


27 009 427 034 

Latitude Automotive Financial Services 

80 004 187 419 

Latitude Personal Finance Pty Ltd 

54 008 443 810 

La Trobe Financial 

30 006 479 527 

Life Broker 

115 153 243 


42 611 315 416 

Macquarie Leasing Pty Ltd 

46 008 583 542 

ME Bank 

56 070 887 679 

MKM Capital 

56 070 887 679 

Money 3 Loans Pty Ltd 

108 979 406 

Morris Finance Limited 

70 083 630 139 


26 133 623 962 


12 004 044 937 

Newcastle Permanent 

087 651 992 

On Deck 

28 603 753 215 

P&N Bank 

69 087 651 876 

Pepper Money 

55 094 317 665 

Plenti RE Limited 

571 666 466 35 


47 154 775 667 


55 095 034 003 

Scottish Pacific 

79 008 636 388 

Secure Funding Pty Ltd (Liberty) 

25 081 982 872 

Selfco Leasing 

099 591 616 


71 602 957 237 

St George Bank 

33 007 457 141 

Suncorp Bank 

66 010 831 722 

Teachers Mutual Bank 

30 087 650 459 


30 087 650 459 

Virgin Money 

75 103 478 897 

Westpac Banking Corporation 

33 007 457 141 

Wingate Consumer Finance (Now Finance) 

158 703 612 

Wisr Finance Pty Ltd 

119 503 221