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August 31, 2022
Offset & Redraw
4 Min to Read
An offset account is just like your normal bank account. It works alongside your loan account. The beauty of an offset account is that it earns interest at a similar rate to your home loan, effectively saving you money. There is also a redraw option and it is a common question to ask: Offset or Redraw, which is best?
August 31, 2022
Fixed vs variable interest rates
5 Min Read
Fixed rates home loans allow your interest rate to be locked in or fixed for a certain period. With a variable interest rate home loan, the interest rate will change if either the bank or the lender adjusts their interest rates, or if we see a change from the RBA. Which one is right for you?
August 31, 2022
Interest only loans
4 Min to Read
With an interest only loan, you are not paying down any of the debt, however, you can significantly reduce your weekly repayments. An interest only loan is a good option for home buyers who need to keep their repayments as low as possible, because of either budget constraints or not wanting to tie up additional money each week.
August 31, 2022
What is an owner-occupied property?
2 Min Read
If you are purchasing a home or apartment that you intend to live in, it is considered an owner-occupied property.‍You might also hear this referred to as your principal place of residence or PPOR for short.